Vande Bharat trains, operating on the Visakhapatnam-Secunderabad-Visakhapatnam route, will now stop at the Samarlakota railway station starting today, 3rd August 2023. This decision comes in response to numerous requests from passengers for a halting facility at this location.
Samarlakot Station manager M. Ramesh announced this development during a press conference on Wednesday at the railway station. Kakinada MP Vanga Geeta Vishwanath revealed that, after discussions with the Minister of Railways and other senior officials, the necessary permission was granted for a one-minute halt at Samarlakota.
The Halt Timings:
- Vande Bharat Train (20833) traveling from Visakhapatnam to Secunderabad will arrive at Samarlakota at 7.14 am and depart at 7.15 am.
- On the other hand, Vande Bharat Train (20834) from Secunderabad to Visakhapatnam is scheduled to reach Samarlakota at 9.34 pm and leave at 9.35 pm.
Benefits to Passengers:
This new halt at Samarlakota railway station will provide significant convenience to passengers traveling from Kakinada on the Visakhapatnam-Secunderabad route. Commuters from our Kakinada can now quickly reach their destination through the Vande Bharat train, reducing their overall travel time significantly.